Before and After Treatment


It is important that you let the hair grow approx. 2-3 weeks after you last used the scraper. Before you wax, the hairs should be approx. 1-1.5 cm. If the hairs are too short, then the result is often not as desired. My motto is “Let it grow, let it grow” Therefore, do not be afraid that your hair may be too long, rather too long than too short. 

  • The hairs should be approx. 1-1.5 cm long.
  • Preferably use a gentle scrub the day before your treatment.
  • Put on some loose trousers and some cotton panties (bikini, thong, brazil) or a cotton t-shirt (back, chest, shoulders)

On the day you are waxed, do not peel or apply cream to the skin.


Your hair follicles are open after waxing and it is therefore important to avoid irritation and infection in the skin, as well as prevent the occurrence of ingrown hairs.

You should avoid:

  • Hot showers
  • Swimming, training and exercise before the redness has subsided
  • Spray tan or use of spray tan products
  • Sunbathing, both solarium and natural
  • Exfoliate until 3 days after treatment

During the treatment we talk about how to achieve the best possible result of your wax treatment. To avoid red bumps and ingrown hairs, always use the after treatment that is tailored to you.